Jeremy Pesner


Chief Communications Officer, onAir Networks

Public Policy for Digital Technology, Internet & Telecommunications, Innovation and Technological Emergence

My goal is to help shape policies and strategies around information technologies that empower people throughout the world. My interests include information and communications technologies, Internet & telecommunications policy, technology innovation policy and technology forecasting. I am also interested in spiritual development, electronic art and music, and video games. Technology can bring both great promise and peril, and I thrive in expanding the former and minimizing the latter.

Source: Website

OnAir Post: Jeremy Pesner


Jeremy is a policy analyst, researcher and public speaker with a focus on policy issues of information technology, telecommunications, innovation and futurism. He is passionate about this work because it allows him to apply an equity lens to the single most revolutionary force of the past two decades, which enables everyone to enjoy the benefits and abilities that these new technology bring.

In various work and volunteer capacities, Jeremy has undertaken complex data analysis, written articles about technology and futurism, organized panels and events, and published award-winning research. He has given and moderated presentations at various conferences including Hackers on Planet Earth, World Future Society, TEDx Fulbright, TEDx Herndon, and SciTalk.

He lived abroad in Israel for a year, during which he worked on the country’s technology policy at Start-Up Nation Central and participated in many lectures and trips to learn more about Israel’s social, political and religious contexts.

Outside of his professional work, Jeremy has learned a lot through his personal growth and self-development work, particularly the value that practices like meditation, yoga, neuro-emotional technique and somatic therapy can bring to addressing trauma, developing emotional intelligence and improving relationships with others. He recognizes that these types of techniques enable us to remember what makes us human, independent of whatever technologies we are using at the moment.

Jeremy earned his BS in Computer Science at Dickinson College, his MA in Communication, Culture & Technology from Georgetown University and his MS in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University.

He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Policy Network. He is also a fellow of StartingBloc, NEXUS Global Summit, the Gabr Fellowship, the Royal Society of Arts and New Leaders Council.




Personality Assessments

Not gospel, just interesting guides and points of view. (I don’t like Myers-Briggs – I get inconsistent results.)

StrengthsFinder 2.0

Futuristic, Analytical, Intellection, Communication, Relator

  • People who are especially talented in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future.
  • People who are especially talented in the Analytical theme search for reasons and causes. They have the ability to think about all the factors that might affect a situation.
  • People who are especially talented in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.
  • People who are especially talented in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.
  • People who are especially talented in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.


  • Questioners question all expectations, and they respond to an expectation only if they conclude that it makes sense—in essence, they meet only inner expectations.
  • They’re motivated by reason, logic, and fairness. They wake up and think, “What needs to get done today, and why?” They decide for themselves whether a course of action is a good idea, and they resist doing anything that seems to lack purpose.
  • Because Questioners want to make well-considered decisions and come to their own conclusions, they tend to be intellectually engaged, and they’re often willing to do exhaustive research. If they decide there’s sufficient basis for an expectation, they’ll follow it; they won’t follow it if they think it’s arbitrary, inefficient, or ineffective.
  • Arguments such as “Everyone has to do this,” “You said you’d do this,” or “Because I say so,” or “I’m the doctor” aren’t compelling to a Questioner.

The Quick-Start (Innovation, Alert)

  • You have a rare ability to rapidly identify opportunities and execute a plan with focus and determination.
  • This makes you a vital addition to teams.
  • You mix creativity with a thorough and diligent delivery.
  • Your ability to think on your feet helps you make important decisions under pressure.


  • Your most likable trait: Dependability.
  • You are the person others count on in the clutch, the one who perseveres when less determined spirits fall by the wayside.
  • You are not the pioneer who first strikes out for new territory, but the determined settler who follows and builds houses and towns and cultivates the soil.
  • You are a purposeful achiever who has endless patience to see a thing through, to make it a success. You are the original immovable object and irresistible force.
  • You are caring, giving, and affectionate, and have a great fondness for all things beautiful.
  • You have great stores of energy, which you put to use when you want to—not when others want you to.


  • Projectors have an inherent ability to understand others. They are the masters of reading and managing energy efficiently. It is because of their Center openness that they can take in and read the energy of others. Gradually, over time, the Projectors’ ability to read and recognize this energy gives them the wisdom to guide others in the most efficient use of their energies, gifts and talents.
  • Projectors are also great at organizing others and at networking. They know how to bring the right people to the job to accomplish a specific task and they also know how to maintain harmony in the world.
  • For these reasons Projectors are the ideal leaders, administrators and guides for the modern democratic world that we live in. Projectors just have this innate, natural ability to recognize the potential and talent of other people and to be able to offer guidance to them.

Selflessness, Immortality, Emanation, Humility

  • Your life is about giving support and nurture to others, but never at the expense of yourself. Without this service at the heart of your life, you will never feel a sense of real purpose.
  • You are here for the thrill of life, no matter what it brings you. When all is going smoothly, you will be totally absorbed with whatever is
    before you, thereby preventing you from worrying about the future.
  • You hunger to create new things wherever you go. You are a firestarter. You are here to initiate things and propel people into action. You are a person of action and your body thrives on excitement.
  • You are here to make a profound sacrifice in life – to let go of your own self interest and allow your heart to dictate the service you bring into the world. You are here to be recognized as a leader in your chosen field and lead others into a new and better future.

Emotional Healing Techniques

Emotional and spiritual healing is very important to me. I don’t ascribe to a particular religion, but am highly oriented to practical techniques that lead to significant emotional growth and development.


    • Meditation is a practice where an individual trains attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
    • It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body, and that continuously interconnect and condition the life of the mind.
    • The goal isn’t to stop thinking, or to empty the mind. Rather, the point is to pay close attention to physical sensations, thoughts and emotions in order to see them more clearly, without making assumptions or stories.


  • Shamanism refers to a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world.
  • There are many variations in shamanism throughout the world, though there are some beliefs that are shared by all forms of shamanism.
  • Some anthropologists and religious scholars define a shaman as an intermediary between the natural and spiritual worlds, who travels between them in a trance.

Chiropractic/Applied Kinesiology

  • Chiropractic is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical and energetic disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) is a bio-energetic healing technique that allows a practitioner to find and release unresolved emotional issues, which can be stored and locked in the body, manifesting as a variety of physical symptoms.
  • The goal of NET is to find and fix the physical aberration (subluxation or meridian imbalance) and not the emotions. Emotions are not to be fixed or otherwise corrected.

Men’s Work

  • Men are empowered to missions of service, supporting men to make a difference in the lives of others – men, women, and children around the world.
  • Men can speak without being judged or shamed. Men can both speak about their emotions and be emotional.  Men can forge real and authentic relationships with other men.
  • Men receive support as they journey through life and face some of life’s toughest challenges and transitions.


  • Reiki aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure.
  • It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away.
  • Its presence is particularly vexing to naysayers because it delivers demonstrable salutary effects without a proven cause.


Publications & Presentations



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Ensuring Social Impact at Every Stage of Technology Research & Development (Video Abstract)

August 30, 2021 (08:27)
By: CivicSciTV Network

This is a video abstract from Jeremy Pesner who authored a policy position paper (Third Place Winner) titled “Ensuring Social Impact at Every Stage of Technology Research & Development” in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance. Volume 18, Issue 03 | August 30, 2021

Paper Abstract
“Although the United States national innovation system has produced many technologies, their benefits are not evenly distributed across the country’s population. This stands in direct contrast to the aims of government, which frequently funds science research for the purpose of social benefit. This paper first undertakes a deep reconsideration of the US national innovation system, and then reframes it as a collective impact initiative in order to coordinate every one of its contributors around this goal.

It begins by tracing the origins of the longstanding tensions between science undertaken for the sakes of science inquiry versus societal benefit. It then discusses the inadequacies of practices meant to bridge science outcomes and societal needs like the broader impacts and technology transfer. It concludes by proposing a significant expansion of the stakeholders that evaluate the proposals and outcomes of federally funded research. This integrates diverse public participation into the proposal selection process, research discussions, and technology transfer to ensure that universal social impact is routinely considered.”


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